Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Rampant blog reading

I jumped ahead in the course today. I saw Ellen Forsyth's email from the NSW Reference elist regarding RSS awareness day and have now started collecting RSS feeds in a frenzy. So now I have a problem. When do I get the time to read all of these? I think that I'm definitely going to have to be a little more choosey.
If anyone knows of some good time management solutions regarding blogs, then please let me know. And I shall certainly pass on this information to you should I discover something myself.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Flickr first then 'cloud computing'

I am completely sold on the idea of uploading my photos onto the internet. Sure, I'd like to save them from a fire (if that terrible event occurred). But I'd really love to not sort through them to create photo albums (I never get around to this and I've got lots of photos just sitting around waiting for something to be done to them).

Saving things onto the internet seems to be the thing these days. Read an article yesterday in the SMH that discussed 'cloud computing'. Interesting stuff.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Old School no more

So the cardigan is back in fashion! This marks the beginning of being up-to-date and hip 'n happening. First blog. Phew!

Loved the YouTube post "Web 2.0 : The machine is Us/ing Us" by Michael Wesch. It really highlights the ways that this type of technology can be used as a learning tool - so much faster than using a blackboard at Old School.