Friday, May 23, 2008

'Break' the boundaries

I went along to the last session of the conference "Reference @ the Metcalfe Seminar", which was organised by the NSW Reference & Information Services Group. Great stuff!

The last session was a presentation by the people who created "Inside Break" - the fabulous HSC resources website provided by Manly, Pittwater and Warringah Council Libraries. This site is an excellent resource for all students in NSW completing their HSC and is a testament to the power of collaboration.

It would be fantastic if more libraries could produce collaborative projects like Inside Break. Now that this group of libraries has produced such an excellent site, there's no need for staff from other libraries to pore so much effort into creating another website of resources for HSC students. Although, to ensure that it remains an amazing resource/tool for students, other libraries should continue to offer suggestions for improvement to this team's product. The best thing, however, is that now staff time at other libraries will be freed up to produce other magnificent projects for their client groups (and shared by other libraries). This is the true power of collaboration - efficient and effective and shared – that results in everyone benefiting.


pls@slnsw said...

Very true - enormous potential in sharing expertise in this way. Also possibly for local history across the State?

Mylee (PLS)

Lavender said...

This HSC website is great they have done so much work and show us all how it should be done
Emma S
Sorry I missed your afternoon tea yesterday. Here is my email address
Take care and stay in touch

tigerlilly said...

Thanks for highlighting that great site for HSC students. It's very well organised and user friendly- another great resource to recommend to students.